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ARNA Therapeutics

ARNA Therapeutics is a Quebec-based biotech company leveraging decades of research in neuroinflammation and CNS disease. Lead by two world expert founders—Jean-Pierre Julien and Jasna Kriz—at the CERVO of Université Laval, the company proposes complementary approaches to the regulation of RNA though the TDP-43 and SRSF3 targets.  The mission is to provide new therapeutic options for patients living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia spectrum disorder. The company constitutes an expansion of a prior pre-seed investment by AmorChem in one of ARNA’s two pipeline programs; this asset was acquired by a pre-existing Canadian biotech company (ImStar) to form ARNA. The goal is to establish a Canadian CNS-focused anchor company built upon the specialized scientific expertise available locally in the Quebec life science ecosystem.