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Kallikrein is a tailored approach to treating skin inflammatory diseases. Affecting one in 200,000 newborns worldwide, Netherton Syndrome (NS) is a devastating skin condition resulting from a breakdown in the epithelial barrier. Initiated in partnership with TIAP and a group of scientists from Sinai Health’s Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI) in Toronto, this project focuses on a specific group of enzymes called kallikreins (KLK) that play a critical role in development of NS and other skin inflammatory diseases. Dr. Ioannis Prassas and fellow LTRI scientists Dr. Eleftherios Diamandis and Antoninus Soosaipillai have developed a selective, dual approach to antagonize KLK-5 and 7. This kallikrein-focused approach holds promise for treating this rare pediatric condition and, more broadly, atopic inflammatory dermatitis.